bounding-box: structuresource
min: vector
max: vector
add-spheres!(obj: bounding-box, spheres: inline-array, count: int) => intsource
Add count spheres.
add-point!(obj: bounding-box, arg0: vector3s) => intsource
Expand the box if needed to contain the given point
set-from-point-offset!(obj: bounding-box, arg0: vector3s, arg1: vector3s) => intsource
Set box to smallest containing the points arg0, (arg0 + arg1)
set-from-point-offset-pad!(obj: bounding-box, arg0: vector3s, arg1: vector3s, arg2: float) => intsource
Set the box size to contain pt, pt + offset, with some padding
set-from-sphere!(obj: bounding-box, arg0: sphere) => intsource
Set the box size to contain the given sphere
set-from-spheres!(obj: bounding-box, spheres: inline-array, count: int) => intsource
Reset box to hold the given spheres. Note: this implementation could be optimized.
add-box!(obj: bounding-box, arg0: bounding-box) => intsource
Expand the box if needed to contain the given box
bounding-box-both: structuresource
box-vector-enside?(box: bounding-box, pt: vector) => symbolsource
Is the point in the box? On the edge doesn't count
box-vector-inside?(box: bounding-box, pt: vector) => symbolsource
Is the point in the box? On the edge counts.
ray-arbitrary-circle-intersect(probe-origin: vector, probe-dir: vector, circle-origin: vector, circle-normal: vector, radius: float) => floatsource
Intersect a ray with a non-axis-aligned circle.
border-plane: basicsource
type: type
name: symbol
action: basic
slot: int8
trans: vector
normal: vector
debug-draw!(obj: border-plane) => nonesource
Debug draw a border plane with a vector and text.
point-past-plane?(obj: border-plane, arg0: vector) => symbolsource
Which side of the plane is the given point on?
#t = on the plane, or on the side the normal points toward.
curve: structuresource
calculate-basis-functions-vector!(arg0: vector, arg1: int, arg2: float, arg3: pointer) => vectorsource
Calculate polynomial basis for a given control point.
circle-test() => nonesource
Test the circle-circle-xz-intersect function.
closest-pt-in-triangle(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: matrix, arg3: vector) => nonesource
arg2 is the vertices of the triangle, arg3 is the normal, arg1 is the input point, arg0 is the output.
curve-closest-point(arg0: curve, arg1: vector, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: int, arg5: float) => floatsource
Get the input value for the point on the curve. Approximate! And is O(n_knots)
curve-copy!(arg0: curve, arg1: curve) => curvesource
Shallow copy a curve.
curve-evaluate!(arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: inline-array, arg3: int, arg4: pointer, arg5: int) => vectorsource
Evaluate a curve.
arg0 is the output
arg1 is the input.
arg2 is control vertices
arg3 is the number of control vertices
arg4 is the knot points
arg5 is the number of knots
curve-get-pos!(arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: curve) => vectorsource
Get the position on the curve at the given input.
curve-length(arg0: curve) => floatsource
Compute the approximate curve length as the sum of distances between knots.
find-knot-span(arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float, arg3: inline-array) => intsource
Binary serach over knots to find which contains the value float in (arg0 arg1). Unused.
forward-down->inv-matrix(arg0: matrix, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => matrixsource
Create a matrix representing an inverse transform where arg1 is forward (+z) and arg2 is down (-y). Will have the pitch of forward
forward-down-nopitch->inv-matrix(arg0: matrix, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => matrixsource
Create a matrix representing an inverse transform where arg1 is forward (+z) and arg2 is down (-y). Will not use the pitch of forward
forward-up->quaternion(arg0: quaternion, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => quaternionsource
Create a quaternion representing a transform where arg1 is forward (+z) and arg2 is up (+y). Will use the pitch of forward
forward-up-nopitch->inv-matrix(arg0: matrix, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => matrixsource
Create a matrix representing an inverse transform where arg1 is forward (+z) and arg2 is up (+y). Will not use the pitch of forward
forward-up-nopitch->quaternion(arg0: quaternion, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => quaternionsource
Create a quaternion representing a transform where arg1 is forward (+z) and arg2 is up (+y). Will not use the pitch of forward
matrix-from-two-vectors!(arg0: matrix, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => matrixsource
Create a rotation matrix representing the rotation between two vectors
matrix-from-two-vectors-max-angle!(arg0: matrix, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float) => matrixsource
Create a rotation matrix representing the rotation between two vectors, allowing at most a rotation of arg3 degrees
matrix-from-two-vectors-max-angle-partial!(arg0: matrix, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float, arg4: float) => matrixsource
Create a rotation matrix representing the rotation between two vectors, allowing at most a rotation of arg3 degrees,
doing arg4 fraction of the rotation.
matrix-from-two-vectors-partial-linear!(arg0: matrix, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float) => matrixsource
Create a rotation matrix representing doing arg3 fraction of the rotation between two vectors
matrix-remove-z-rot(arg0: matrix, arg1: matrix) => matrixsource
Remove the z rotation component of a rotation.
matrix-rot-diff!(arg0: vector, arg1: matrix, arg2: matrix) => floatsource
Get the difference of rotation between two matrices, expressed as a quaternion.
normal-of-plane(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => vectorsource
Given three points on a plane, compute the plane's normal
point-in-plane-<-point+normal!(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => vectorsource
This function looks wrong and is unused.
point-in-triangle-cross(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector, arg4: vector) => symbolsource
Check if point is in the triangle using cross product check (so you have to get the order of points right)
quaternion-from-two-vectors!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => quaternionsource
Create a quaternion representing the rotation between two vectors
quaternion-from-two-vectors-max-angle!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float) => quaternionsource
Create a quaternion representing the rotation between two vectors, allowing at most a rotation of arg3 degrees
quaternion-seek(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: quaternion, arg3: float, arg4: float) => quaternionsource
Strange quaternion rotate toward function. Arg3 is ignored. Arg4 is the max seek amount.
vector-3pt-cross!(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => vectorsource
Cross product of 2 - 1 and 3 - 1. (will give a normal to the plane, but not of magnitude 1)
vector-circle-tangent(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => nonesource
Also unused.
vector-circle-tangent-new(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => nonesource
vector-deg-seek(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float) => vectorsource
Make one vector closer to another, doing at most a rotation by arg3 degrees.
vector-deg-slerp(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float) => vectorsource
Slerp for vectors. (imagine that they are the z axis of two frames)
vector-flatten!(dst: vector, src: vector, plane-normal: vector) => vectorsource
Get the projection of src onto a plane with the given normal
The normal should have magnitude 1.0.
vector-line-distance(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => floatsource
Weird function: given a point arg1, and an infinite line connecting arg2 and arg1, compute the distance
from arg0 to that line.
vector-line-distance-point!(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => floatsource
Same as above function, but returns the point on arg2/arg1 in arg3 (ignored if #f)
vector-orient-by-quat!(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: quaternion) => vectorsource
Rotate a vector by a quaternion.
vector-plane-distance(arg0: vector, arg1: plane, arg2: vector) => floatsource
vector-reflect!(dst: vector, src: vector, plane-normal: vector) => vectorsource
Reflect a vector off of a plane.
vector-reflect-flat!(dst: vector, src: vector, plane-normal: vector) => vectorsource
This is a weird one. It doesn't care about the value of src dot normal
and it effectively replaces the component of src normal to the plane with
the plane's normal. I think this requires src/normal to both be unit vectors
in order to make sense.
NOTE: src should point from positive halfspace to negative otherwise it
doesn't work.
vector-reflect-flat-above!(dst: vector, src: vector, plane-normal: vector) => vectorsource
A hacked up version of reflect, probably to make their collision system work.
It is a less aggressive version of reflect that also has a limit to the output
normal component
vector-reflect-true-flat!(dst: vector, src: vector, plane-normal: vector) => vectorsource
Not really a reflect. Same as flatten
vector-segment-distance-point!(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector) => floatsource
Compute the distance from a point to the closest point on the line segment.
arg0 is the point. arg1/arg2 are the endpoints of the line segment.
arg3 is an optional output closest point.
vector-vector-deg-slerp!(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float, arg4: vector) => vectorsource
unused. no clue what this does.
curve-control: path-controlsource
type: type
flags: path-control-flag
name: symbol
process: process-drawable
curve: curve
num-cverts: int32
cverts: inline-array
path-control: basicsource
type: type
flags: path-control-flag
name: symbol
process: process-drawable
curve: curve
num-cverts: int32
cverts: inline-array
debug-draw(obj: path-control) => nonesource
eval-path-curve-div!(obj: path-control, arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: symbol) => vectorsource
get-random-point(obj: path-control, arg0: vector) => vectorsource
path-control-method-12(obj: path-control, arg0: vector, arg1: float) => vectorsource
eval-path-curve!(obj: path-control, arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: symbol) => vectorsource
path-control-method-14(obj: path-control, arg0: vector, arg1: float) => vectorsource
length-as-float(obj: path-control) => floatsource
Get the number of edges as a float
path-distance(obj: path-control) => floatsource
get-num-verts(obj: path-control) => intsource
Get the number of vertices
should-display?(obj: path-control) => symbolsource
Should we display path marks?